Our Services
Acupuncture is an over 3,000-year-old science using a meridian mapping system in which acupuncture utilizes the harmonious flow of qi, blood and bodily fluids to assist in healing and facilitate proper functioning of a constellation of organ systems. Acupuncture has been noted to also release chemicals called endorphins that help to reduce pain and serotonin, which elevates mood and decreases stress on the autonomic nervous system. Functional MRI’s have also noted the stimulation of the Limbic system in in the brain which helps to control pain levels. Acupuncture has also been very useful to improve egg quality, conception and pre/post embryo success rates for IVF. During Your Session During your Acupuncture session your practitioner will take a thorough medical history, examine your pulse and tongue to determine the root constitutional disharmony. By inserting hair thin disposable needles into the skin along the body’s energetic pathways or “meridians” your practitioner will help to regulate the flow of qi, blood and body fluids and treat the root cause of energetic disharmony. Acupuncture is a modality designed to address all aspects of health and is recognized by the World Health Organization to help with the following:
Insurance Although LOTUS Integrative Therapy does not accept insurance we do provide a Super Bill with ICD-10 codes that you can provide to your insurer. Acupuncture services are also covered by many Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Spending Accounts. Check with your insurance provider for details prior to your initial evaluation. How to prepare for your first Acupuncture session
Chinese Medicine In addition to Acupuncture there are a variety of other branches of Chinese Medicine that aim to treat the root cause of disease and constitutional disharmony. Herbal Medicine Chinese herbal medicine dates back to over 3,000 years. Herbs can be highly effective to improve digestion the immune system response, fight infections, management of physical, emotional and mental stress. They can also support painful periods, irregular periods, boost fertility, quell insomnia and manage menopausal changes. Chinese herbal pharmacopeia includes; roots, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds. Most formulas are given in tea pills or granules that patients can drink. Nutrition Therapy Depending of the current season and constitutional disharmony a variety of foods can be eliminated and whole foods incorporated for improved nutritional health and digestive harmony. Other vitamins, minerals and adaptogens may also be suggested. Tui Na Tui Na is a form of Chinese Osteopathy and Bodywork that stimulates the meridians by using “push pull” massage techniques. These techniques are beneficial for adult and especially pediatric populations Gua Sha Gua Sha is a Chinese medicine treatment where the skin is scraped with a smooth- edged instrument like jade which causes petechiae or redness. Acute and chronic conditions are the most common indications for Gua Sha Auricular Acupuncture Auricular or ear acupuncture is used since the ear is a microcosm of the body. Auricular techniques are beneficial for pediatric populations, smoking cessation, stress management, anxiety and substance addictions. Ears seeds can also be applied on ears points to prolong the effects of auricular acupuncture between treatments. Moxibustion Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy which dried plant materials called “moxa” or mugwort are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. The intention is to improve blood flow and in invigorate qi or energy and dispel certain pathogenic influences. Cupping An ancient Chinese accessory technique that utilizes suction and heat to detoxify the body and provide musculoskeletal pain relief. Meditation Meditation is a prominent branch of Chinese Medicine. These meditative and breathing techniques are incorporated into therapy session TDP Lamp A TDP Lamp is a specific electromagnetic lamp that produces far infrared (below visible light). The lamp helps to ease muscle tension, decreases inflammation and pain. Yoga Therapeutics Providing Yoga therapy suggestions for yoga movement and pranayama breathwork strategies to best manage daily stressors and medical conditions Animal Acupuncture Coming soon summer of 2022! |